New CEO - Decision Delayers. What Stops New CEOs From Building the Right Top Team?
Decision Delayers

What Stops New CEOs From Building the Right Top Team?

Your success (and legacy) as CEO depends on your ability to build and lead a high-performing C-suite.
- Doug Mack, Former CEO of Fanatics
So, how quickly should you move?
How fast is too fast? How slow is too slow?
The average time it takes new CEOs to make their first top team change is...




of new CEOs said their top transition regret was not moving fast enough on building their team.
Source: CEO Transitions: Defining Success in the First 12 Months
Often, CEOs know what changes they’d like to make to their top team. But, instead of acting, they give people and the organization more time.





Here are the 6 reasons we often see…
01 Grace
As the new CEO, you accept that there’s much you don’t know. So, you give your C-suite team grace, often against your gut instinct, and often more than you should.
02 Guilt
You recognize that this is an existing team of people, each with families and responsibilities. You feel bad that your appointment as CEO means that some may lose their jobs.
03 Best behavior
Your arrival as CEO gives bad performers a chance for a reprieve—and as a result, they are on their best behavior. You see a motivated, engaged executive, but the organization generally knows better.
04 Savior complex
You think, “I’m a good leader, good enough to make this poor performer better, I can save them.” You can inspire and motivate people as CEO, but you are not responsible for saving them.
05 Gun shy
We’ve all experienced or heard about the new ‘hatchet’ CEO who comes in and lobsheads immediately. It’s not an enviable perception, so some CEOs who should really wield the hatchet, don’t.
06 ‘Okay performance’
A C-suite executive might not be a poor performer. But, they are not the right fit for you, the team you want to build, or the way you want to lead. Don’t settle for OK performers.
The CEOs who can overcome these decision delayers and move fast on their team will stand the best chance of success.
Discover more about how new CEOs can nail their first 12-18 months in our latest book, authored by Ty Wiggins, RRA Leadership Advisor, including how to:
Balance listening and action.
Burst the CEO bubble.
Get your messaging right.
Move quickly on your team.
Effectively engage the board and investors.
Evolve your culture.







How we support CEO transitions

Your odds for success as a new CEO can be significantly improved with a comprehensive CEO transition advisory program.

We help you navigate your first year in role, so you start well and perform quickly—minus the common mistakes.


Learn more



Praise for The New CEO


Hubert Joly  

A must-read, packed with real-world wisdom from leading CEOs and backed by in-depth research. This isn’t just another leadership book; it’s a lifeline for new CEOs, offering concrete strategies for a successful start. From setting priorities and dealing with crisis to building your team and engaging your board—this book covers it. A great gift for any new CEO.”

Hubert Joly
Former Best Buy CEO, senior lecturer Harvard Business School, and Author, The Heart of Business




Alex Gorsky  

In a fast-moving world, having a practical, pragmatic, and purposeful approach for stepping into the CEO role is more important than ever. In The New CEO, Ty provides just the right blend of strategic and tactical counsel to accelerate your CEO transition for sustainable success. A must-read for seasoned and next-generation CEOs.”

Alex Gorsky
Board member of Apple and IBM, and former Chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson




Nancy McKinstry  

Ty Wiggins has made it his career to help new CEOs deliver a strong start. He distills his rich experience in this trusted step-by-step guide that will help you tackle the issues you face during your transition. This is a critical book for all new CEOs—and those who work with them—and it could not have come at a more important time.”

Nancy McKinstry
CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board, Wolters Kluwer




Katie Koch  

Having Ty as my advisor was one of the most valuable assets I had in navigating my first year as a CEO. Now even more leaders can benefit from his expertise. Every new CEO faces different challenges—but the advice, anecdotes, and research in this book will help any new corporate leader lay the groundwork for their long-term success.”

Katie Koch
President and CEO, The TCW Group




Oscar Munoz  

For all the attention on new CEOs, there is little objective guidance on how to nail your first 12 months in office. The New CEO offers a clear path forward. Blending in-depth research and powerful stories, Ty offers a critical guide on how to win as a new CEO— and deliver standout results for you and your organization.”

Oscar Munoz
Board member of Salesforce, former CEO and Chairman of United Airlines, and Author, Turnaround Time



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