Almack House
28 King Street
London SW1Y 6QW
United Kingdom


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It is a pleasure to welcome you to our London office. For more than 50 years, we have helped global organizations solve their most complex leadership challenges. We work closely with a diverse range of clients—from start-ups to FTSE 100 companies, and operate across both the private and public sectors. Our team has a leading presence in UK boardrooms, and we are passionate about providing excellence in everything we do."

Nanaz Mohtashami

Nanaz Mohtashami
Country Manager, London




Opened in 1972

Deep Sector Expertise


How we help business leaders in London and across the UK

The London team is passionate about crafting bespoke and transformative solutions to even the most intricate leadership challenges. Our expertise spans the entire leadership advisory realm, including board advisory, executive search, and leadership assessment and development.

We advise leaders across all industries and functional areas—and our collaborative approach with colleagues around the world also ensures our clients are optimally positioned to succeed in both local and global markets.





Almack House
28 King Street
London SW1Y 6QW
United Kingdom